Clapped up from prezzi??

Read to the end for some new Weird Al

Welcome to Garbage Weekend. It’s the internet garbage you know and love, but in a format that’s easier to read while you wait for Windows computers all over the world to start working again.

(Clapped up from prezzi??)

This week, the RNC was all about unity, as long as you mean Don Jr. uniting with his father in being a weird creep to his daughter, or Hulk Hogan and Dana White uniting one of the country’s major parties into an arm of the WWE, complete with weird gimmicks from the crowd. On the other side of the aisle, the Democrats seem to be united against Biden, except if literally anyone is asked directly about it. And if we’re making a list of things that don’t work in the US, make sure to add “representative democracy” to “Anything that runs Windows”, including planes. Though, apparently, not Southwest Airlines because they haven’t updated from Windows 3.1.

Oh well, here’s some fun stuff…

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